Request Transfer

This is the first step in transferring a household from one unit to another within the same community.  

The completion of this step creates the active waitlist row necessary to schedule a transfer for the household, and it provides a listing of all active transfer waitlists for the household. When adding a transfer, it will fail if it is a duplicate of an active unscheduled transfer.

To complete this task, the household must have a valid and signed transaction on the Household Detail > Transactions tab.


If the community is Tax Credit, and the tenant is moving from one Tax Credit BIN to another, you cannot transfer the household. Instead, you must complete a move-out of the current unit and a move-in for the new unit.


To request a transfer, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Household Detail > General Tab.

2.         Go to Tasks > Request Transfer.

3.         In the Create a New Transfer Application area, complete the fields and options:

        Community—Defaults to the household's current community, as this task is only intended for transferring households between units in the same community.

        Program—Select the program.

        Bedrooms—Select the preferred number of bedrooms.

        Application Date—Enter the application date. This field defaults to the current date.

        Time Estimate—Select the estimated wait time.

        Comment—Enter any additional information about the pending unit transfer.

        Has Pet(s)—Select this check box if the household has a pet.

        Needs Parking Space—Select this check box if the household needs a parking space.

        Handicap Unit Preferred—Select this check box if the household prefers a handicap unit.

        Non-Revenue—Select this check box if the household is non-revenue.

4.         Click Next. A Results Window appears, which indicates if the task passed or failed. If the task failed, you may need to make a correction. If the task passed, click Close.

5.         The Print Options tab appears. On this tab, you can select documents you want to print by selecting the check box for the document in the Print column.


Documents included in the "Transfer Household: Apply For Transfer" document group in System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups will be included in the list of available documents.


6.         If you are selecting a document to print, specify the number of copies of each document. You can preview many of the documents in Microsoft Word, where you can also make any changes and print the document.

7.         Click Finished. On the Waitlist tab for the household, there will be an active waitlist row for the unit class and bedroom size that you selected, and the Schedule Transfer task will be available.

Related Topics


         Household Transactions Tab

         Maintain Documents Tab

         Schedule Transfer