Delete Selected Budget

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This task allows you to delete the USDA Budget Forms for an existing USDA Budget File  The task is only available for a USDA Budget File until it has been transmitted.  Once a USDA Budget File has been transmitted with the Transmit Selected Budget task, it cannot be deleted.  Once a USDA Budget File has been transmitted, you can use the Correct/Approve Selected Budget task to delete it and replace it with a corrected file.


USDA Budget Types:

Prerequisites to complete task correctly.

How do you get here?

Occupancy and Compliance Detail MINC USDA Budgets Tasks Delete Selected Budget

To Delete the USDA Budget File:

  1. Confirm the deletion of the selected USDA Budget File.  Check this box to confirm that you wish to delete this USDA Budget entry.

  1. Click Finished to delete the selected USDA Budget File.

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