Correct/Approve Selected Budget

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This task allows you to correct or approve a USDA Budget File that has been transmitted to USDA via the MINC web site.  When you use this task to approve a USDA Budget File with corrections, the task will also print copies of all parts of the USDA Budget forms (Form RD 3560-7 or Form RD 3560-10) with the corrected USDA Budget data.


USDA Budget Types:

Prerequisites to complete task correctly.

How do you get here?

Occupancy and Compliance Detail MINC USDA Budgets Tasks Correct/Approve Selected Budget

To Correct/Approve the selected USDA Budget File:

  1. Choose an Approval Action:

  2. For each of the Budget Types, make corrections to the appropriate fields and columns for each part of the Form RD 3560-7 (P2, Y2, Q2 & M2) or Form RD 3560-10 (B2).  Depending on with Budget Type you are creating a USDA Budget file for, only certain columns will be active.

P2 - Proposed Budget

Y2 - Year End Actuals

Q2 - Quarterly Actuals and M2 - Monthly Actuals

B2 - Balance Sheet

Items to consider for all Budget Types

  1. Once one Part of a Form is completed, click Next to go to the next Part.  You can also click Previous to navigate to a prior Part.  You can also click each Tab of the task to navigate directly to any other Part of the Form.

  2. At any time after the first step of this task, you can click on the USDA Budget Status tab to see Validation messages.  All Validation Errors will be listed here with a description of what needs to be done to correct it.

  3. Print Options - Select each Part of the USDA RD Form to print when Finished is clicked.  Each Part can be previewed before completing the task.

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