You can use this task to create an AR Invoice from the selected WO Line Items. To perform this task, you must select one or more WO Line Items to be included, and the WO Line Items to be included on the AR Invoice must have been closed with the Bill? parameter selected on the Work Detail > Billing tab.
To create an AR Invoice, follow these steps:
1. Go to Maintenance Company Detail > Create AR Invoice.
2. Go to Tasks > Create AR Invoice.
3. Review the list of selected WO Line Items to ensure they are accurate. If they are not accurate, click the Back icon to return to the Maintenance Company Detail > Create AR Invoice tab to revise your selections.
If a WO for a selected WO Line Item has other WO Line Items not selected, a message will appear that reads "WO has additional 3 open line items."
This message is meant to verify that you want to create an AR Invoice for some line items from a WO, but not all of the items.
4. If the list of WO Line Items is correct, to create the AR Invoice, click Finished.
The AR Invoice that was just created will now be listed on the Maintenance Company Detail > AR Invoice Detail tab, where it can be approved, unapproved, un-billed, have notes added to it, or exported to your Maintenance Company's accounts receivable application. The Corresponding AP Invoice for the community being billed will not be listed on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab until it has been exported to the Maintenance Company's accounts receivable application from the Maintenance Company Detail > AR Invoice Detail tab.