Name - name of the selected document. You can change the Name of a document. However, changing the Document Name will change the name of all files stored within the Document Detail.
Description - detailed description of selected document
Document Link
Reference Type - ties a document to a Household Reference so that the correct document (reference form) printed for the Household Reference.
Reference Types are defined at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Reference Type
Reference Types are assigned to Household References at Household Detail > References
Copies - enter the default number of copies of the document to be printed when selected in a task.
Print for All Members of Household - a copy of the document will print for each member of a household.
All Adult - a copy of the document will print for each adult member of a household.
Duplex - document will print duplex is that functionality is available on your printer.
Track for Return - With this selected, verification form in this Master Document should be tracked.
Allow Maintenance - document can be previewed before printing. Previewing a document opens it in Microsoft Word, which allows you to modify it and print it from there.
Staple - documents printed will be stapled if that functionality is available on your printer.
Track Print - when the document has been printed for a household, a note will be added to the Household Detail > Notes tab for the household(s) it was printed for. These notes will have the Note Type of "Document Printed".
Charge Types - For documents that use the Data Sources: Data for Bills or Data for Late Notices merge fields, you may select up to 5 receivable/charge types to include on the documents.