This area contains all of the details for the member currently selected. The fields required by funding program rules will be marked with a red asterisk. The information in this section is used to populate the certification form for the household. It is also used to determine the appropriate allowances for subsidized programs and eligibility for certain programs.
Personal Information
Correcting the first and last name, date of birth, or Social Security Number for a head of household in TRACS is only permitted on a correction to the current certification or on a new full certification effective after the current or subsequent one. Specifically, do not change a head of household Social Security Number on an earlier certification.
Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Maiden Name
Head of Household
Other Adult
Foster Child
Live-In Medical
Foster Adult
In HUD funding programs:
A foster adult must be 18 years or older.
Foster adults do not get a dependent allowance even if they are a student.
For Funding Programs except USDA, each household can only have one each of Head of Household / Spouse or Co-Tenant relationship at a time. You cannot have a Spouse and a Co-Tenant relationship to the head of household at the same time. One of these three persons will need to be Other Adult.
If the household is in a USDA Funding Program, it can either have multiple adult co-tenants (or spouse and co-tenants) or other co-tenants to be given an Elderly Allowance for USDA if they are elderly.
Joint/Split Cust (only displays if relation is Dependent)
(N/A) Full Custody - No Joint/Split Custody. All expenses and allowances are eligible and counting in all programs.
(J/K) Joint, Allowance, Expenses, Counted - Joint Custody with Dependent Allowance and Child Care Expensed Permitted. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in all programs.
(CK) Split, Expenses, Split Count - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses permitted, but no Dependent Allowance. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in programs that recognize CK (Counted in HUD and Tax Credit Programs. Not Counted for Public Housing).
C: Split, Expenses, Not Counted - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses but no Dependent Allowance. NOT COUNTED for unit size and income limit purposes in any program.
When adding a member for a Tax Credit Funding Program household, the member’s gender is no longer required. If a gender isn’t selected or if the member chooses not to disclose, then the member’s gender will display as <unknown>.
Select the Report Blank to HUD option to use a blank for gender for HUD, even if another funding program requires a gender. This option only displays in households that are counted in both HUD and another funding program.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Student Status, Institute of Higher Education?
Social Security Number
Handling of a missing SSN - The HUD, USDA and PHA funding programs handle alternate numbers in the same way. Generally a Social Security Number (SSN) is required for most household members; but if a member is sent on a certification transmission for the first time with out an SSN; TRACS, MINC or PIC will assign an alternate number to be used on subsequent transmissions to that agency. This Alternate ID is communicated back to you through TRACS, MINC or PIC messages.
Select the SSN Exception option if the member qualifies for a HUD or PHA exception to the required Social Security Number. Selecting this option will show a drop-down menu. Select which exception is applicable.
C - Does not contend eligible immigration status
E - Age 62 and subsidized on 1/31/2010
M - New Member under age 6 (SSN must be entered within 180 days; not valid when completing Move In or Interim Certifications)
Mod Rehab/SRO program for the homeless (PHA only; SSN must be entered within 180 days)
When the SSN field is blank on the Household Detail > Members tab you will receive a warning from Property Manager instead of an error, allowing you to save the member detail without an SSN.
TRACS ID - only available if member is living in a community with a HUD funding program.
For HUD, this TRACS ID will be used on subsequent certifications until an SSN is assigned to the member.
USDA A Nbr - only available if member is living in a community with a USDA funding program.
For MINC, this USDA A Nbr will be used on subsequent certifications until an SSN is assigned to the member.
Alternate ID - only available if member is living in a community with a PHA (Public Housing) funding program.
For PIC, this Alternate ID will be used on subsequent certifications until an SSN is assigned to the member.
Marital Status
Marital Statuses are created and maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Marital Status.
Alien Registration Number
The Alien Reg Nbr (A#) field on this tab has an entry mask. You are limited to 9 characters, all of which must be numeric, and if you enter fewer than 9 characters, Property Manager will pad the remaining characters to the left with zeros. Do not enter the A before the number when making this entry for a member of a household, it will be appended to the number you enter automatically..
Email Address
Drivers License and State
Personal Phone Numbers
Phone Types are added and maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Phone Type.
SkypeTM enabled Phone numbers will displayed as hyperlinks with the SkypeTM Icon . Double-clicking a phone number with the SkypeTM Icon
will launch the SkypeTM client and call the selected phone number. (FAQ SkypeTM)
Ethnicity and Race (required for HUD & USDA Funding Programs)
Not Specified
Tenant Declined to Report
Depending on the Funding Program regulations, this may not be a valid option the Head of Household and/or any other members of the household.
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (select all that apply)
American Indian/Alaska Native
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
When Ethnicity or Race is not selected, HUD forms will state "Tenant Declined to Report"
When HUD rules apply, a warning message is now displayed whenever the ethnicity/race selection on the Household Detail > Members tab will result in ”Tenant Declined to Report” being set to HUD.
Race Determination Code
Customer Provided
Employee Provided
Funding Program Specific Information
Handicap Status (required for HUD & PHA Funding Programs), also called Eligibility Code
Member Citizenship Code (required for HUD & USDA Funding Programs)
A new Member Citizenship Code is no longer required for all HUD subprograms. You are not required to select an Eligibility Code for the following HUD subprograms: BMIR, PAC, or PRAC.
EC - Eligible Citizen
EN - Eligible Non-citizen
IC - Ineligible non-citizen child
IN - Ineligible non-citizen
IP - Ineligible Parent of the Head/Spouse
PV - Eligibility is Pending INS Verification
XX - Not counted as a family member, such as a live-in attendant
ND - No Documentation (the member is treated as ineligible for proration purposes)
N/A - Not Applicable (BMIR/PAC/PRAC), for use with BMIR, PAC, or PRAC HUD subprograms only
Mobility Impaired
Hearing Impaired
Vision Impaired
HUD Specific Information
Displayed by Disaster
US Military Veteran
PHA (Public Housing) Specific Information
Meet Community Service or Self-Sufficiency Requirement (Form 50058 Codes & Descriptions)
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Pending
4 - Exempt
Can't Work Disability
MTW (Moving to Work) Compliant
HCF Date
Work Hours per Week
Training Program Hours per Week
Total Years School
Earned Income Disallowance (EID) - supports the Public Housing calculation of household rent. When a 50058 certification is created effective between the EID start date and mature dates it will calculate an income exclusion.
Start Date
Mature Date
Months of Eligibility Used (Prior to Movein/Conv)
Baseline Income
Qualification Code
Income increase after 12 months unemployment
Income increase during ESS or JOB training
Income increase during or within 6 months of TANF