This task is used to send first notice letters to households on a waitlist for a particular community.
Community Detail
Waitlist Tab
Send First Notices
Occupancy and Compliance Waitlist Tab
First Notices
Conversion Detail
Send First Notices
Mailing Date for Notice: Enter the mailing date. The system will pre-fill this field with the current date, however you may select another date by entering the date or selecting it from the drop-down calendar.
Return By Date for Notice: This date will default based on the number of days that Waitlist Review Notices are considered late as defined at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants. Accept the default or select/enter a new date.
Select the households/waitlist entries to which you want to send a first notice letter by checking the boxes in the Send? column. Only households that have active waitlist entries for the community will be listed.
The first notice list excludes scheduled move-ins, transfers, and those with a pending waitlist review notice.
Click Next.
A pop-up window will appear asking "You have chosen to create first notices for X households. Continue?
Click Yes to continue. Click No to go back to the list.
The document you have set up as your first notice letter will be selected by default.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Waitlist Review: First Notice" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Specify the number of copies you want of each letter.
You can preview many of the documents in Microsoft Word, make changes, and print them within Microsoft Word by clicking the preview icon.
Click Finished to print your letters.