For USDA communities you will need to send electronic files once a month through the MINC web site. This task takes you through building that file.
The certifications listed in the task will be for all authorized communities for the user.
Certifications must be signed.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail MINC
Transmission Files
Enter the Transmission date (which defaults to first of current month)
Click Next.
You will see a list of all USDA certifications that have been created but not yet transmitted.
Select one, more or all certifications listed.
Unsigned certifications are listed, but you cannot select to include them in the file until they have been signed.
To Maintain
the Signed Dates on a certification, double click the Hyperlink
for the Households name and then go to the Household's Transaction
tab to add the signed dates to the certification. Once you
have signed the certification, you can use the back
button to come right back to the Build MINC File task.
Click Next to build the transmission file.
Review the file just created.
You can not make changes
to the file here. If you need to make changes, use the back
button to back out of the task
and use the "Review/Edit MINC File".
Click Next.
Log onto the MINC web site.
Copy the File Name (including the path) into the click into MINC's file browse.
The complete path and file name is included in the "Instructions On Transmitting..." title bar at the top of the window.
This file path and name has been copied into your clipboard when you clicked Next from the last step. When you get to MINC's file browse, just use [Ctrl]+V to paste it without having to retype it on MINC's web site.
Click Next once you have completed the process of transmitting the file on MINC's web site.
Select Yes or No for "Was the file transmitted successfully?"
Click Finished.
If you Selected No, you will get the message "File Status has not updated."
Click Finished.
Occupancy and Compliance
and Compliance > MINC > Transmission Files
and Compliance > MINC > Project Worksheet