This task is used to process an interim recertification without verification for a household in a HUD funding program. The task can also be used for a household in a Tax Credit funding program when there is a change in family size. If the membership change occurs in the 1st year of occupancy or if no original members change, the initial certification rules will apply.
For HUD Funding Programs, adding an Interim Recertification when there should be an Annual Recertification will be prevented. This will prevent you from adding an Interim Recertification that will override a transmitted Annual Recertification.
The Interim Recertification task on the Select Date tab will detect two conditions: (1) If the effective date equals the household's next recertification date and the annual recertification hasn't been created yet, you will get the message "An Interim Recertification is not valid for this date. Use Annual Recertification wizard instead." (2) If an Annual Recertification, Annual Recertification, or Interim Transfer certification that has been signed already exists for that date, you will get the message "An Interim Recertification is not valid for this date." If the Interim Certification is unsigned, you will be able to use this task. Correct the certification effective on this date from Household Detail > Transaction tab."
For HUD Funding Programs, when the household is counted as Terminated in the HUD Funding Program, an Interim Recertification will not be allowed on or after the effective date of the Termination. After a Termination, TRACS will accept either an Annual Recertification (AR) effective the next day or an Initial Certification (IC) effective anytime after the Termination.
This task is available for former households that had occupied a unit counted in a HUD Funding Program.
When the household is living in a USDA only unit, the task will display an error message when the Effective Date of this transaction is the same as the annual recertification date and the message will prompt the user that this Effective Date is not valid and to use the Annual Recertification Process.
For Tax Credit Funding Programs, this task is only available when a member is added or removed from the household (occupancy change).
Household Detail
General Tab
Interim Recertification (w/o Verification)
There are two steps in this process:
Process Income, Assets & Exp. and Create Certification
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