This task is used to fix the certification that was added at implementation to match you last transmitted certification before conversion to BostonPost. The cert will retain the cert type that is had before correct and will not invalidate the existing cert or create a correction-type cert.
The household must be in implementation status.
Household Detail
Transactions Tab
Fix Pre-Conversion Cert
Conversion Detail
Household Tab
Fix Pre-Conversion Cert
If you begin on the Description tab, click Next.
On the Program Group tab, select which Funding Program Group this household belongs to, and then use the drop-down menus to select the Initial Counted Layer for the program. Click Next.
On the Household Members tab, select which members to include in the household, or add new members. Any changes made here only affects the original household composition and do not affect household history.
To add new members, enter the First, Middle, and Last Names, along with the Gender (or select Unknown if the applicant chooses to withhold this information), Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and Relation, and then hit your keyboard Tab button.
On the Member Detail tab, manage each member's information and then click Next.
On the Income & Expense tab, edit the worksheet and view the summary. Click Next.
On the Rebuild Transaction tab, manage the rent, certification options, and lease information. Click Finished.