Add New Business Contact

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You can use this task to add a new contact to a business.

To add a new contact to a business, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Business Detail > Contacts.

2.         Go to Tasks > Add New Business Contact.

3.         On the Add Business Contact tab, in the Search area, enter search criteria to see if the business contact has already been entered in Property Manager, and then click Search.

4.         If the person has not been entered in Property Manager, click New.


If the person has already been entered in Property Manager, to add them as a business contact, highlight their name, and then click OK.

5.         If you are entering a new person in Property Manager, enter the person's information in the Personal Information, Address, and Phone Numbers area.


For more information about the fields, refer to the Business Detail > Contacts tab.

If the business contact is in a household, you cannot change any of the contact's information. That must be done on the Household Detail > Members tab.

Phone types are added and maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Phone Type.


6.         To save the contact and add another contact, click Save and Add Another.

7.         To add the new business contact, click Finished.


Once a contact has been added to a business, you can maintain the primary contact indicator and job title on the Business Detail > Contacts tab.


Related Topics

         Remove Business Contact