This task is used to add a voucher, make changes to an existing voucher, or terminate an existing voucher on a household.
Only vouchers that are made available to the community (Community Detail > General Info tab - Maintain Voucher Source) the household is living in can be used by the household.
When entering a new tenant-based voucher for a household, you will select the voucher source, enter the voucher size and specify the next renewal date for the voucher. The next renewal date determines when you should contact the Housing Authority/Agency to request an increase to Contract Rent (based on the requirement of at least 60 days written notice of an upcoming increase). In the first year of the voucher, the next renewal date is the lease expiration date. The entry of the Renewal Date is optional (i.e. - voucher can go on forever). The voucher size (number of bedrooms the voucher is issued for) allows Property Manager to track the size of the voucher the household was issued compared to the size of the unit the household was moved into. You are able to adjust the voucher size of a household when that household’s composition changes.
Outside vouchers that provide no subsidy will not override Tax Credit limits. You have the ability to add a voucher with zero for the subsidy amount in order to track a tenant as a voucher holder. When the subsidy amount is set to zero, the tenant rent portion will be compared to the maximum Tax Credit rent (Add New Voucher, Modify Existing Voucher).
Household Detail
General Tab
Add/Modify/Terminate Existing Voucher
Enter the effective date of this voucher change
Click Next.
Update the Voucher Information.
Information for the existing voucher in effect will be displayed including the Voucher Source, the Renewal Date, the Voucher Size (the number of bedrooms the voucher is for which may be different from the number of bedrooms the unit actually has), and the rent & subsidy amounts.
Click Same Voucher to Modify the existing voucher. You can change the rent & subsidy amounts for the certification you are working on.
Click New Voucher to Add a new voucher and change any of the voucher information for this new voucher.
In compliance with TRACS 202D, adding a Section 8 or housing choice voucher will terminate the household and transmit this certification to TRACS.
Click No Voucher to Terminate the existing voucher.
In compliance with TRACS 202D, this option will not show for HUD households with a housing choice voucher. To remove a housing choice voucher, create an Initial Certification in order to report the certification through the TRACS system.
Click Next to review the Income & Expense summary.
Click Next to review the certification information and update the Lease information if necessary.
Click Next to create the certification for this voucher change.
Select any available documents to print for this voucher change and click Finished.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "HUD Voucher Modification" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
FAQ - How do I maintain Tenant-Based Vouchers?