This task is used to add a new member to a household.
Household Detail
Members Tab
Add Member W/O Verification
Enter the first and last name of the new member.
Select the relation of the new member from the drop-down list.
For Funding Programs except USDA, each household can only have one each of Head of Household / Spouse or Co-Tenant relationship at a time. You cannot have a Spouse and a Co-Tenant relationship to the head of household at the same time. One of these three persons will need to be Other Adult.
If the household is in a USDA Funding Program, it can either have multiple adult co-tenants (or spouse and co-tenants) or other co-tenants to be given an Elderly Allowance for USDA if they are elderly.
If you select Dependent, you will need to define the Joint/Split Custody
(N/A) Full Custody - No Joint/Split Custody. All expenses and allowances are eligible and counting in all programs.
(J/K) Joint, Allowance, Expenses, Counted - Joint Custody with Dependent Allowance and Child Care Expensed Permitted. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in all programs.
(CK) Split, Expenses, Split Count - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses permitted, but no Dependent Allowance. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in programs that recognize CK (Counted in HUD and Tax Credit Programs. Not Counted for Public Housing).
C: Split, Expenses, Not Counted - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses but no Dependent Allowance. NOT COUNTED for unit size and income limit purposes in any program.
Select the handicap status of the new member from the drop-down list.
Enter the social security number of the new member.
Enter the date of birth of the new member.
Select the Gender of the new member, or select Unknown if the applicant chooses to withhold this information.
Select the Handicap Status of the new member.
Enter the date on which the new member moved into the household.
Click Next.
Complete the Modify Member Details screen with information as it applies to the new member. Fields marked with a red asterisk * are required.
Click Next.
Expire a Expected Family Addition if the member being added was in Property Manager with this status. When an expected addition turns into an actual household member, accounting for both "sides" at the same time will increase the accuracy of the household size calculation by providing date continuity.
Click Next.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
Select any available documents you want to print by checking the box next to the document name.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Add Household Member" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Specify the number of copies you want for each document.
You can preview many of the documents in Microsoft Word, make changes, and print them within Microsoft Word by clicking the preview icon.
Click Finished.