This task is used to add miscellaneous Non-Certified Subsidy charges (i.e. - damages that will be paid by an outside voucher) for Units in Non-HUD Funding Programs. Open items for these charges will show in the Start New Payment Batch task on the Accounting Detail > Payments tab when you are receiving a Subsidy - Non-HAP or a Subsidy - USDA type payment. Activity related to the Non-Certified Subsidy charge types will be displayed on the Accounting Detail > Subsidy Activity tab as well in the household’s Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab if the unit is occupied.
Community has a Conventional, Market, Tax Credit (LIHTC), USDA, or Public Housing (PHA); and the Unit is counted in that Funding Program.
The task will not be available if a HUD Funding Program is involved.
Unit Detail
Special Claims Tab
Add Non-Certified Subsidy
Charge Date: The system will pre-fill this field with the current date, however you may select any date prior by entering the date or selecting it from the drop-down calendar. You can enter a future charge date, which allows you to set up a receivable balance for next month to show up on a tenant bill, for example.
Voucher Source: Select the Voucher Source of the agency, if applicable, that will be paying this charge. If there is no Voucher Source, leave as <None> (i.e. - Funding Program is USDA).
The list of Voucher Sources is limited to those used by the community in context and is defined with the Maintain Voucher Source task on the Community Detail > General tab.
Receivable Type: Click on the drop-down list to select a Receivable Type for your charge. When you have selected a Receivable Type the GL accounts that are set-up for it will be displayed beneath the Amount box on the screen.
When creating an open item with the Non-Certified Voucher Subsidy Internal Balance Type, the GL Accounts used will come from the selected Voucher Source and not this charge type. If the Voucher Source is set to None (I.e. - USDA), then the GL Accounts will come from the charge type.
Open Items from the Non-Certified Voucher Other-Bill and Non-Certified Voucher Write-Off will use the GL Accounts from these Charge Types.
Amount: Enter the amount of the charge.
Note: You may enter a note of explanation. This field is optional.
Click Finished.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message and display any GL entries that were created.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
The Receivable Adjustment event for the Non-Certified Subsidy open item will appear in the Event History on the Accounting Detail > Subsidy Activity tab and the receivable balance in Open Items on the Accounting Detail > Subsidy Activity tab and the household’s Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab if the unit is occupied.