Unit Maintenance Inventory

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On this tab, you can maintain storage locations and inventory. If an inventory location has a check mark, then there is inventory stored in that location. You can add, maintain, and delete material on this tab, and on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials table.

            Inventory locations are set up in System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Locations, and they have a location type of Inventory.

            Location items are set up in System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition. Materials are set up in System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials. Materials can be added to each inventory location's stock list in System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials that Go With Items.

A list of available tasks is provided below.


Related Topics

         Select Inventory Locations

         Remove Selected Inventory Location

         Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location

         Add Material to Stock List

         Remove Selected Material from Stock List