Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location

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Use this task to maintain the quantity of inventory that is stored in the selected Inventory Location.  If the Inventory Location has no inventory, then this task will not be available and you will need to use the Add Material to Stock List task.

Prerequisites to complete task correctly.

How do you get here?

Community Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location


Building Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location


Unit Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location


Amenity Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location

To maintain Inventory Quantities for the selected Inventory Location:

  1. For each Location Item in Inventory, change the Quantity on hand to reflect any changes in inventory levels.

  2. Click Finished to save your changes of inventory quantities.

Related Topics:

Select Inventory Locations

Remove Selected Inventory Location

Add Material to Stock List

Remove Selected Material from Stock List

Add Material

Maintain Selected Material

Delete Selected Material