Remove Selected Inventory Location

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This task is used to remove Inventory Locations from the selected community.  Inventory Locations are Locations (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Locations) that have a Location Type of Inventory.  This task will only be available when there are Inventory Locations do not have materials included in their Stock List.

Prerequisites to complete task correctly.

How do you get here?

Community Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Remove Selected Inventory Location


Building Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Remove Selected Inventory Location


Unit Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Remove Selected Inventory Location


Amenity Detail Maintenance Inventory Tasks Remove Selected Inventory Location

To remove the selected Inventory Location:

  1. Confirm your intention to remove the Inventory Location.  Check this box to confirm you would like to remove this inventory location.

  2. Click Finished to remove the Inventory Location.

Related Topics:

Select Inventory Locations

Maintain Inventory Quantities for Location

Add Material to Stock List

Remove Selected Material from Stock List

Add Material

Maintain Selected Material

Delete Selected Material