This task is used to review an active waitlist entry and generate a notice to the tenant regarding his/her place on the waitlist.
There must be active waitlist entries on the Waitlist tab of the household for which the waitlist review has not been started.
In order to create a notice to the tenant you must have a document set up in the Waitlist Review: First Notice document group.
Household Detail
Waitlist Tab
Start Household Waitlist Review
Choose Community
Select a community for waitlist review by clicking on it.
Click Next.
Create First Notice
Enter the Mailing Date for Notice and Return By Date for Notice. The Return By Date will default to 14 days after the Mailing Date.
Select the waitlist entries you wish to include by checking the box on the left.
Click Next to proceed to Print Options
Print Options
Select any available documents you want to print by checking the box next to the document name.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Pre-Certify Household: Send Letters to Begin Process" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Specify the number of copies you want for each document.
You can preview many of the documents in Microsoft Word, make changes, and print them within Microsoft Word by clicking the preview icon.
Click Finished.