This task is used to specify the event details, date, and any notes for an event associated with a tenant services program.
In order to record a program event for a tenant services program, tenant services for the community where the household member resides must have been set up in your system. This is done from the Community Detail > General tab using the Community Tenant Services task.
The tenant has been referred and enrolled in the program you wish to record the event for. Until the tenant is enrolled in the program, you won't be able to record program events for it.
The Subprogram the tenant is enrolled in must have Subprogram Events created for it at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Tenant Service Subprogram Event.
Household Detail
Tenant Services Tab
Record Program Event
Click the drop-down lists to select the event date and event. Enter a note in the text box, if desired.
Click Finished.