Re-Process Selected GL Batches

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This task is used to re-process GL batches exactly as they were processed before, even if you have since changed the export set-up.  The task is only available for exports that creates a file to be imported into your general ledger.  The task is not available for the Bostonpost Financials, IRES Web Services (MRI) and QuickBooks Export Types.  Each of these three Export Types load GL Batches directly to your general ledger.


How do you get here?

Accounting Detail General Ledger Tab Select Processed GL Batches/Archived GL Batches in the GL Batch Option drop-down list

To Re-Process GL Batches:

  1. Select the date range that covers the period when the GL Batches were processed.

  2. Click Refresh to display the GL batches for that period.

  3. Select the GL batches you want to re-process by checking the boxes in the Select column next to the batches.

  4. Click the Tasks button and select Re-Process Selected GL Batches

  5. The GL batches about to be re-processed will be listed and indicate the Export Type.  Verify that you have selected the correct GL batches.

  6. Click Finished.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What if the Export Type for these batches is not correct?

A. This task will only allow you to process the GL batches exactly as they were processed before.  If you have changed your export type since they were processed you will need use the Reset Selected GL Batches task to send them to Processed with Errors view and then use the Process Selected Batches task to process the batches again.

Related Topics:

Reset Selected GL Batches

Process Selected Batches