This task is used to maintain Maintenance Definitions for one or more selected units in the community. This is a batch process task allowing you to maintain the Maintenance Definition of more than one unit at a time. If you wish to maintain the Maintenance Definition of only one unit, you can do that here or directly from the Community Detail > Maintenance > Maintenance Definition tab for the specific unit.
Locations are defined/created at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Locations. Only Locations that are Active and selected as being at the Unit Level will be listed in this task.
Location Items are defined at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Items for each Location.
Community Detail
Maintenance Definitions
Maintain Unit Definitions
Select all the apartments in the left-most data window for which you want to maintain their Maintenance Definitions.
Hold the [Ctrl] key down to select more than one apartment from the list. If you have selected an apartment in error, just click on it again while still holding down the [Ctrl] key.
Select the Room from middle data window. You can only update one room for the selected apartments at a time.
From the Items data window, select all the Items you want to add to the selected room.
Click on each item to select all the items you want to add to the room. The [Ctrl] key is not needed to make multiple selections from the item data window. If you have selected an item in error, just click on it again to deselect it.
After selecting all the appropriate items for the room, click the Add>> button to add them into the right-most data window.
Click the Remove>> button to remove any items that were selected in error or select further rooms and/or items until you have completed the maintenance definition for the selected unit(s).
You can add as many rooms and items to the selected apartments as necessary.
You can change the selection of Apartments to update at any time without losing the entries already made in the right-most data window.
Once you completed your selection of rooms and their items for the selected apartments, click the Update Selected Units button to make these changes to the unit's Maintenance Definitions.
Click Yes or No to resulting popup to "About to update the selected # units. Are you sure?".
If you clicked Yes, you will get a Units Updated message. Click Ok to continue.
If you need to update the unit's Maintenance Definition for another group of apartments, begin the selection process again at Step 1 above. Otherwise
Click the Back button to go back to the Maintenance Definition tab, click the Close
button to close the task, or navigate to where ever you need to go in Property Manager next.
If the Maintenance Definition had already been setup for a particular room of a particular apartment, updating the Maintenance Definition from this task will add to the Maintenance Definition that had already been setup. It will not overwrite it. For example if the Living Room in an apartment had already been defined with the Item "Carpet", and you go into this task to add the Item "Ceiling", after clicking the Update Selected Units button, the room will now have both the "Carpet" and "Ceiling" Items.
To remove Items from a particular apartment, you need to navigate to that unit's Unit Detail > Maintenance > Maintenance Definition tab to remove it from there.