For Tax Credit funding programs you can send electronic files to State Agencies using the NAMA Standard XML Interface. Using this task on you will create a Tax Credit File and upload it to the appropriate agency through their web site.
Although you may be able to edit data directly in your agency’s website, we recommend you always correct your data in Property Manager first, and then upload the file if possible or make the correction manually on the website if necessary. If you sometimes update the agency data first and sometimes update Property Manager first, and if the systems get out of synch it will be very hard to tell which one has the most recent information.
The certifications listed in the task will be for all authorized communities for the user.
Certifications must be valid and signed.
The Export has been created at System Administration > Export Setup for the community the file is being transmitted for.
The Community Nbr on the Community Detail > Program Info tab must be set to the property identifier in your state’s database. If the state/agency has an empty database (for example Spectrum software), set this equal to the community ID in Property Manager.
BIN numbers on the Community Detail > Contract tab must match the BINs your agency has in their database.
The Tax Credit Unit Number on the Unit Detail > General tab must match the unit numbers your agency has in their database.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail LIHTC
Build LIHTC File
Select the Tax Credit Funding Program.
In order for a community's Tax Credit Funding Program to appear in this list, it must have a Community Nbr. If this field is empty, that community's Tax Credit Funding Program will not be included in the list. The Community Nbr is entered at the Community Detail > Program Info tab in the Funding Program Detail data window. This Tax Credit Community Nbr is the Project ID in the resulting XML file, and it is a required entry.
If you are transmitting a Federal Program, you will specify just the Funding Program and Project Number.
If you are transmitting a Non-Federal/State Program, you will also specify which BIN. Only units in the selected Non-Federal/State BIN will be available for transmission.
Select Transactional Mode:
For all Export Types except the Tax Credit Transmit WBAR, Tax Credit Transmit Emphasys and Tax Credit Transmit Oregon Export Types:
Certs not yet Transmitted - all certifications not yet transmitted will be pulled into the LIHTC File.
Cert Effective Date Range - Enter/Select a Start Date and an End Date
The Start Date will default to the 1st of the calendar year.
Select the "Include Certs Already Transmitted" to include certifications that may have been already transmitted, but need to be sent again.
For the Tax Credit Transmit WBAR and Tax Credit Transmit Emphasys Export Types the Transactional Mode will be set to Snapshot:
Include Occupancy Changes Since - enter/select the Start and End.
The Start Date will default to the 1st of the calendar year.
For the Tax Credit Transmit WBARS Export Type, Effective Date is based on signed dates. So if a certification that is effective 12/01/2010, but not signed until 01/22/2011, will not be included in a 2010 Effective Date Range.
For the Tax Credit Transmit Florida and Oregon Export Types the Transactional Mode will be set to Snapshot:
Include Occupancy Changes Since - enter/select the Start and End.
The Start Date will default to the 1st of the calendar year.
For the Tax Credit Transmit WBARS Export Type, Effective Date is based on signed dates. So if a certification that is effective 12/01/2010, but not signed until 01/22/2011, will not be included in a 2010 Effective Date Range.
User will be prompted to browse that should already exist on your desktop to where the CSV file created from this process will be copied into.
Click Next.
Use the Select All and Deselect All links to help make your certification selections or manually select or deselect each certification.
Certifications that
have not yet been Confirmed/Signed will be marked with a tick mark. These certifications
can be selected.
You can define which certtypes should be excluded from the list of certifications that can be transmitted to the Tax Credit agency. This is maintained at System Administration > Export Setup.
Click Next to build the transmission file.
Review the file just created.
The Preview step will display the File Date, File Name and the location where the file is saved. The File Detail data window has the contents of the transmission file.
Click Next.
Log onto the LIHTC web site for the agency you are transmitting to.
This will default to the web site defined for the community at System Administration > Export Setup.
If you receive an Internet Explorer Script Error, you can suppress these errors by making the following changes in Internet Explorer. Select the Tools > Internet Options menu item (you can also get to these settings through your Control Panel and selecting the Internet Options icon) and then select the Advanced tab of the resulting popup. In the Settings data window scroll down to the Browsing options and deselect "Disable Script Debugging (other)" and "Display a notification about every script error" and then click OK. After making these changes to Internet Options for Internet Explorer, you shouldn't get these script errors.
Copy the File Name (including the path) into the click into LIHTC's file browse.
The complete path and file name is included in the "Instructions On Transmitting..." title bar at the top of the window.
This file path and name has been copied into your clipboard when you clicked Next from the last step. When you get to LIHTC's file browse, just use [Ctrl]+V to paste it without having to retype it on the LIHTC web site.
Click Next once you have completed the process of transmitting the file on LIHTC's web site.
Select Yes or No for "Was the file transmitted successfully?"
If you select Yes, your individual certs will be marked as transmitted and will no longer be included in the wizard for transmission, unless you go out of your way to check the ‘include already transmitted’ box.
If you selected No, you will get the message "File Status has not updated."
Click Next to transmit another file or click Finished to complete the task.