The task shows the contents of the LIHTC Transmission file that has already been created and allows it to be updated. You can also add a note to the file. The File you are editing can Replace the original file or you can Create a copy of the file under a new name. You can also choose to use this task to just review the File without saving any changes that are made.
Although you may be able to edit data directly in your agency’s website, we recommend you always correct your data in Property Manager first, and then upload the file if possible or make the correction manually on the website if necessary. If you sometimes update the agency data first and sometimes update Property Manager first, and if the systems get out of synch it will be very hard to tell which one has the most recent information.
A LIHTC Transmission File has already been created.
You must have access to all communities in the file for this task to appear.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail LIHTC
Review/Edit LIHTC File
Make any necessary changes to the data in the file
Add a File Note
Select to either:
Review Only: Do not save any changes
Save Changes using existing filename
Save changes as a new file.
Filename cannot be greater then 20 characters.
Click Finished.