This task is used to correct a change that was made using the Modify Relationship/Student/Handicap Status task on the household's Members Tab.
This task allows you to correct a member change you made, if the effective date of the change is correct. You cannot alter the effective date of the change with this task. You must use the Modify Effective Date task.
Household Detail
Members Tab
highlight the member status change line item in the Member History section
Correct Relationship/Student/Handicap Status
The member's current information, that was changed with the Modify Relationship/Student/Handicap Status task, will be displayed in the Current Status box on the left, make any of the following changes that are appropriate in the New Status box on the right:
Relationship: If the member is not the Head of Household you may select their new relationship to the Head of Household.
If you are changing the member to Head of Household the system will ask you to select a new relationship for the member who is currently Head of Household.
Full-Time Student: You may check or un-check the box as appropriate.
If you check the box a Student Reason drop-down box will appear and you may select a reason.
Handicap Status: You may select the appropriate status from the drop-down list.
You may check any appropriate box(es) to indicate the impairment(s) for the member.
Click Next.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
Click Finished.