This task is used to make the following household member changes:
Change a household member's relationship to the Head of Household
Change the Head of Household
Change a member's student status
Change a member's handicap status
Indicate a member's impairments
Household Detail
Members Tab
Modify Relationship/Student/Handicap Status
Select the household member you want to change in the Household Members section.
Click the Tasks button and select Modify Relationship/Student/Handicap Status.
Enter the Effective Date for the change.
Click Next.
The member's current information will be displayed in the Current Status box on the left, make any of the following changes that are appropriate in the New Status box on the right:
Relationship: If the member is not the Head of Household you may select their new relationship to the Head of Household.
If you are changing the member to Head of Household the system will ask you to select a new relationship for the member who is currently Head of Household.
Joint Custody?: select from the drop down list (only available if the relationship selected above is Dependent). Descriptions are included for each choice to make it clear what that choice means depending on whether HUD, Public Housing or Tax Credit rules apply.
(N/A) Full Custody - No Joint/Split Custody. All expenses and allowances are eligible and counting in all programs.
(J/K) Joint, Allowance, Expenses, Counted - Joint Custody with Dependent Allowance and Child Care Expensed Permitted. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in all programs.
(CK) Split, Expenses, Split Count - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses permitted, but no Dependent Allowance. Counted for unit size and income limit purposes in programs that recognize CK (Counted in HUD and Tax Credit Programs. Not Counted for Public Housing).
C: Split, Expenses, Not Counted - Split Custody with Child Care Expenses but no Dependent Allowance. NOT COUNTED for unit size and income limit purposes in any program.
Student Status: select <None>, No, Full-time or Part-time
Higher Education: mark the "Inst. of Higher Ed?" check box if the student status is full or part-time is with an institute of higher education (i.e. - college or university)
Handicap Status: You may select the appropriate status from the drop-down list.
Check any appropriate box to indicate the impairments (Mobility, Hearing, and/or Vision) for the member, or if the member has been displaced by disaster or is a U.S. Military veteran.
Click Next.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
Click Finished.