This task is used to change the amount of scheduled receivables at a community level that are not related to a tenant’s certification, but that the majority of tenants are being charged. i.e. Parking, Cable, or Air Conditioning. You can increase/decrease the amounts for all who have that charge type in that community.
The task will only create the new scheduled receivable for those households that have an existing scheduled item for the charge type you choose.
Accounting Detail
General Information Tab
select the community from the context bar drop-down list
Change Non-Certified Schedules
Community Detail
Accounting Tab
Change Non-Certified Schedules
Community: Verify the correct community has been selected or select the correct one from drop-down list.
Charge Type: Select the charge type for the scheduled receivable you want to change from the drop-down list.
If this task opened with a community selected in context, only the Charge Types that are active for the selected community will be included in the drop down list to be selected.
If the task is opened with <All Authorized Communities> selected in context, all charge types that are active in any one of the communities that the user is authorized to see will be displayed. If charge types happen to have their description customized for any community/funding program group in context (Accounting Detail > Account Maintenance), then the description displayed for the charge type will be one entered at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup.
The Funding Program Group descriptions are included in the next step for each household to make it clear where the household is counted and which accounting applies.
Effective Date: Enter the effective date for the new scheduled receivable. The system will pre-fill this field with the first of the next month, however you can select the first of any month.
New Amount: Enter the new amount for the scheduled receivable.
Click Next.
There will be a listing on the screen of all households with the community they are in that have a scheduled item for the charge type you chose, the old schedule information and the proposed new schedule information. All households will be selected by default - Uncheck the box in the left column next to any households you do not want the change to affect.
Click Finished.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
Q. What if I do not see the charge type I would like to change?
A. There are no households set up with that scheduled receivable. It is also possible that the charge type has not been set up. See Charge Type Setup.