Change Confirmed Move-Out Date

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This task is for households with a Move-Out (MO) certification that has been confirmed, but for which you want to change the move-out date.

When you complete this task, the original Move-Out certification becomes invalid and a new Move-Out Correction (MOc) certification is created. The Move-Out Correction certification is HAP eligible for HUD programs and can be added to the most recent unreconciled HAP request. After you complete the task, the household has billing corrections for rent, subsidies, and other non-certified balance schedules.


For households in HUD programs, the Move-Out (MO) certification has to have been transmitted and accepted on a HAP before using this task to change a move-out date.


To change the confirmed move-out date for a household, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Household Detail > General Tab.

2.         Go to Tasks > Change Confirmed Move-Out Date.

3.         Enter the new confirmed move-out date.


The new confirmed move-out date must be the current date or earlier.


4.         Click Finished.

Related Topics

         Confirm Move-Out

         Undo Move-Out

         Undo Last Change Confirmed Move-Out Date