This task is used to bill a one time charge to all active households or a group of active households in one community or across all authorized communities, for the same Charge Type at the same time. This task is an alternative to the Add New Receivable task you would use in the household detail, that will save you a great deal of time if you need to add a charge to many households, such as a Utility Assessment or A/C Charge.
Accounting Detail
General Information Tab
Select a community in the context bar
Add New Receivables
Community Detail
Accounting Tab
Add New Receivables
Charge Date: The system will pre-fill this field with the current date, however you may select any date prior by entering the date or selecting it from the drop-down calendar. You can enter a future charge date, which allows you to set up a receivable balance for next month to show up on a tenant bill, for example.
Charge Type: Select the charge type from the drop-down list.
If this task opened with a community selected in context, only the Charge Types that are active for the selected community will be included in the drop down list to be selected.
If the task is opened with <All Authorized Communities> selected in context, all charge types that are active in any one of the communities that the user is authorized to see will be displayed. If charge types happen to have their description customized for any community/funding program group in context (Accounting Detail > Account Maintenance), then the description displayed for the charge type will be one entered at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup.
After a charge type is selected, the list of households will be limited to only those households in the community/funding program groups where the charge type is active.
The Funding Program Group descriptions are included for each household to make it clear where the household is counted and which accounting applies.
If the community selected in context or any of the communities that you are authorized to see (<All Authorized Communities> selected in context) also rents amenities, those amenity charge types will also be listed.
If a household rents both an apartment and an amenity from the community, they will be listed more than once - once for the Apt Nbr and once for each amenity they are renting.
Note: You may enter a note of explanation. This field is optional.
If you are going to charge all or most households the same amount, you may enter the amount in the box next to Set Amount for All and then click Set Amount for All - the system will select all households listed and set the same amount for all households. You then have the option to uncheck the Select box for any households you do not want to charge, and change the amount for any individual households.
If you are going to charge all households but the amounts will vary, you may click the Select All and then enter the amount for each household.
If you are only going to charge some households, as you enter the amount for each household, the Select box will automatically be selected.
A running total is located at the bottom of the Households data window. The total will update as households are selected/deselected and amounts to be charged are added/changed.
Click Next.
The Add Batch Receivable Report is checked off by default to print and you can preview it by clicking the preview icon. If you do not want to print the report uncheck the box next to the document name.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Batch Add Receivables" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Click Finished.
A new GL Batch type has been added to the General Ledger to separate the GL Entries created by running this batch process.
The billing event will appear in the Event History and the receivable balance in Open Items of each household you selected.