Add Miscellaneous Adjustment

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You can use this task to create a miscellaneous adjustment in Property Manager that is subsequently added to your HAP request, as indicated by HUD or your contract administrator.


Reversing a miscellaneous adjustment removes the open item and creates a reversing GL Entry for the GL Entry that was created when the miscellaneous adjustment was added.


To add a miscellaneous adjustment, follow these steps:

1.         In the context bar, select the community.

2.         Go to Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS.

3.         Go to the Misc. Adjustments tab.

4.         Go to Tasks > Add Miscellaneous Adjustment.

5.         Verify that the correct community is selected in the context bar.

6.         In the Contract field, select the contract.

7.         In the Charge Date field, enter or select the date of the charge.


The date in the Charge Date field defaults to the next HAP date for the selected contract, which can be in the future. By setting the date to the date of the next HAP, the income is charged in the period that the HAP request the miscellaneous adjustment is on is made.


8.         In the Type field, select one of the following adjustment types:

        CEAD - Contract Expiration Adjustment

        DRUG - Drug Related Expense

        EIVP - EIV Penalty

        FORQ - Field Office Accounting

        OARQ - Owner/Agent Adjustment

        RADN - RAD negative assistance


If you select the RADN - RAD negative assistance adjustment type, in the Note field, you must enter assistance or adjustment, the certification type, certification effective date, prior or new, and certification assistance.


        RADR - RAD Rehab Assistance


If you select the RADR - RAD Rehab Assistance adjustment type, in the Note field, you must enter the month for which rehab assistance is being requested.


        RADZ - Zero out RAD Voucher

        RESR - Residual Receipts

        RGRC - Adjustment for a Retroactive GRC

        RSPC - Recouped Special Claims Funds

        SERV - Service Coordinators

        UUTL - Unclaimed Utility Check


When you have selected the adjustment type, the GL debit and credit accounts for that type appear.


9.         In the Amount field, enter the amount of the adjustment.

10.    In the Note field, enter any additional notes about the adjustment.

11.    Click Finished. A message appears to indicate if the task passed or failed. If the task passed, click Close. The new miscellaneous adjustments now appears for the contract, and you now have the option to include it when building your next HAP request for that contract.

Related Topics

         Reverse Miscellaneous Adjustment

         Add Selected Item and Modify Voucher Amounts

         Delete Selected Item and Modify Voucher Amounts

         Build New HAP Request