This task is used add new Amenity Types and maintain existing ones. You can also delete Amenity Types from this task if they do not have any Amenities assigned to it.
Amenity Types are groups of amenities with similar physical characteristics. An amenity type is created for each amenity that may have different rent (analogous to unit classes).
Amenity Types can not be added until the Amenity Group has been added. To add Amenity Groups please contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
Community Detail
Facilities Tab
Maintain Amenity Types
Change the Description, Sort Order or Security Deposit Amount for any existing Amenity Types.
Click the Add link to add a new Amenity Type.
Description - use this field to describe the Amenity Type. If your Amenity Group is Storage, for example, its Amenity Types could be Small Storage Space, Medium Storage Space and Large Storage space.
Sort Order - define how you want each Amenity Type to sort in various views and drop down lists in Property Manager.
Sec. Deposit - set the default security deposit amount for the Amenity Type when an Amenity of that type is rented to a household.
Amenity Security Deposits use the Amenity Deposit Internal Charge Type which can be seen at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup and added with the Insert Charge Type task.
Click the Delete link to delete any existing Amenity Types that do not have any Amenities assigned to it.
You cannot delete an Amenity Type that contains Amenities.
Click Finished when you are finished working with the community's Amenity Types.