This task is used to modify the schedules on a Work Order Template.
Work Order Template has already been created.
System Administration
Maintenance Setup
Select the Templates - Work Orders Table
Modify Selected Template Schedule
Community Detail
Modify Selected Template Schedule
Add/maintain the necessary schedules of when Work Orders should be created for the Work Order Template.
If this Work Order Template is meant to only be added to an Event Template, click Finished.
Define a Template Schedule by selecting the:
Comm/Co (Community, Management Company or Maintenance Company) the schedule is for.
Frequency of the Schedule. Your choices are:
Next Date - select the first "Next Date" you want the Work Order to be created for
End Date - select the date you want the Template Schedule to expire on. Leave blank to set the expiration of the schedule to never.
Generate Days Before - set the number of days before the Next Date you want the Work Order to be created
Due Date Days After - set the number of days after the Work Order is created for the work to be Due (Due Date of the Work Order)
Project Generation - select the "Organize by Project" parameter and then set whether to:
Generate New Projects based on a selected frequency (daily to never) and
Never means always generate the work to the same project.
If a Project Frequency is selected, you can select an existing Project Number to use for this template.
If set to None, a new Project Number will be generated with the first work and then used for all subsequent work.
Depending on which Community, Management Company or Maintenance Company selected for the Template Schedule, select where to Schedule Work In.
Click the Save link to add your first schedule. Use the Add and Delete links until you have defined all the schedules for the Work Order Template.
Always be sure to use the Save link before adding a new schedule.
Click the Generate Work Now link to create all work orders for the currently selected schedule and locations. Clicking this link will generate the work and move the Next Date to the next date based on the frequency selected above.
Click Finished when you have added all the necessary Schedules for this Work Order Template.