Maintain Selected Deposit

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This task is used to make changes to a deposit scheduled item in a household.  The task will only be available when the start date of the schedule is on or after the community go-live date for Property Manager.  If it is before this date, you need to use the "Maintain Conversion Beginning Balances" from the Household Detail > Accounting > Summary Tab.


How do you get here?

Household Detail Accounting Tab Deposits Tab highlight the deposit you want to maintain in the Scheduled Items section Tasks Maintain Selected Deposit

To Maintain a Deposit:

You may change the following information:
  1. Payment Amount: You may change the payment amount by entering the new amount.  If you selected the frequency of Once the payment amount will be the full amount of the deposit.  If you selected another frequency, and the tenant will be making installment payments over time, this will be the amount of each installment billing/payment.

  2. Total Due: You may change the total due by entering the new total deposit due.  If you selected the frequency of Once this should match the Payment Amount.

Calculated Entries - If you selected any frequency other than Once, clicking Calculate will display how many periods it will take to bill the total deposit based on the frequency you selected.

  1. Click Finished.

An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.

If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.

If it passed click Close.

Expected Result:

The updated deposit will appear in the Scheduled Items section and the first billing will appear in the Open Items section if the date was current, or the first billing will appear in the Open Items section once the system reaches the Next date.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How do I change the deposit type or frequency for a deposit?

A. You cannot change them using this task.  If you need to change either you will need to use the Delete Selected Deposit task and then the Add New Deposit task to create a new deposit scheduled item with the correct information..

Related Topics:

Delete Selected Deposit

Add New Deposit