Assign USDA RD Rental Assistance

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This task is used to assign USDA rental assistance to a tenant who is not currently receiving assistance, but now qualifies.


How do you get here?

Household Detail General Tab Tasks Assign USDA RD Rental Assistance

To Assign USDA RD Rental Assistance:

  1. Enter the effective date for the certification.  The create certification box will be checked by default.

  2. If the household has exempt income check the box under Certification Options.

  3. Select a student explanation reason from the drop-down list, if applicable.

  4. To force the assignment of RA check the box under Certification Options.

  5. Set or change the Lease Terms, if applicable.

  6. Click Next.

An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.

If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.

If it passed click Close.

  1. Select any available documents you want to print by checking the box next to the document name.

  2. Specify the number of copies you want for each document.

  1. Click Finished.

  2. A pop-up message will appear stating "You have successfully assigned RA to this household.  Click OK.

Expected Result:

On the household's Transaction Tab the transaction on the top of the list will be an Assign RA transaction with the date you entered as the effective date, and will reflect the new Rent and Assistance amounts.

Related Topics:

Terminate Assistance