This task is used to apply credits on the Receivables Tab to outstanding Deposit Due items on the Deposits Tab. It will create a GL entry to re-class the credit from the A/R GL account to the Security Deposit Liability GL account as well as a GL entry to re-class the cash from the Operating GL account to the Security Deposit GL account. You can restrict access to this task by user group, while still allowing other user groups to utilize the Apply Credits task.
There must be a credit Open Item on the Receivables Tab and a Deposit Due Open Item on the Deposits Tab.
You cannot apply Prepaid or Utility Reimbursement credits to Deposits Due.
Household Detail
Accounting Tab
Receivables Tab
Apply Receivable Credits to Deposits
The effective date of the Apply Credits event will default to the current date. If you want to change the date click Change Effective Date in the upper left corner and enter the new effective date, then click OK.
The effective date can be in the past or as far in the future as the latest date of any open item to be applied.
Note: You may enter a note of explanation. This field is optional.
The screen lists the Credits in the top section and the outstanding Deposits Due in the bottom section. You must check off equal dollar amounts for both the top and the bottom.
Click the check boxes on the left for the items you want to apply.
If the total credits and deposits due do not match start with the amount that is less, whether it is the credit or the deposit due, check that box and then move to the amount that is more - you will have to enter the dollar amount in the Amt to Apply or Payment field, then hit the Tab key on your keyboard and the system will recalculate the remaining credit amount.
Once you have checked off the equal amounts of credits and deposits due, and the Running Balance is $0.00 click Finished.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message and display any GL entries that were created.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
The Apply Credits event will now appear in Event History on both the Receivables Tab and the Deposits Tab.
The Open Items section on each tab will reflect the application accordingly, i.e. if you have applied a credit of $50.00 to a deposit open item of $50.00 both Open Items will no longer appear. If you have applied a credit of $50.00 to a deposit open item of $65.00 the deposit open item balance will now be $15.00.
Example: There is a $30.00 Unapplied Payment credit open item on the Receivables Tab and a $50.00 Security Deposit Due open item on the Deposits Tab:
Check off the $30.00 credit on the top half of the screen, as you will be applying the full amount.
Check off the $50.00 Security Deposit balance on the bottom half of the screen and change the amount to $30.00 in the Payment field (the Running Balance at the top of the screen will show you how much credit is remaining after the application of the $30.00), then hit the tab key on your keyboard to update the Running Balance.