Add New Scheduled Receivables

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This task is used to create scheduled receivables for all active households or a group of active households in one community or across all authorized communities, for the same Charge Type and scheduled terms at the same time.  This task is an alternative to the Add New Scheduled Receivables task you would use in the household detail, that will save you a great deal of time if you need to add a scheduled receivable to many households, such as a Utility Assessment or A/C Charge.


When concession scheduled items are set up using this task, the resulting monthly concession will only be automatically applied to the rent charge with the same due date.  You still have the ability to apply concessions manually with the Apply Credit task to any charge with any due date.


How do you get here?

Accounting Detail General Information Tab Select a community in the context bar Tasks Add New Scheduled Receivables


Community Detail Accounting Tab Tasks Add New Scheduled Receivables

To Add New Scheduled Receivables:

Enter the following information:
  1. Payment Start Date: Enter the payment start date or select it from the drop-down calendar.

  2. Type: Select the charge type from the drop-down list.

  3. Frequency: Select the frequency for billings/payments of either Once, Monthly, Yearly or Quarterly.

  4. Payment Amount: Enter the amount of the charge or credit.  If you have selected a receivable type that is a credit charge type, such as Rent Concession, enter the amount as positive, not negative.  The system will recognize that this is a credit balance receivable type and post it as a credit.

  5. Expiration Method -  Select one of the following options:

Total Due - The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, until it reaches the total amount you enter in this field.

Maturity Date -  The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, until it reaches the date you enter in this field.  You would normally use the last day of the last period you want to stop billing, i.e. if the last charge you want is in May, you would type in 5/31/07.

Never - The system defaults to this option.  The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, for the entire time the tenant is in that unit, or until it is manually expired.

Calculated Entries - If you selected the expiration method of Total Due, clicking Calculate will display how many periods it will take to bill the total amount of the receivable.

  1. Select on or more or all Households for whom you wish to add this scheduled receivable to.  Use the Select All and Deselect All links as necessary.

  2. Click Finished to add the scheduled receivables.

Expected Result:

The scheduled receivable will be added to each household you selected, and if the start date is in the past, billing correction events and open items for retroactive billings of the scheduled item will have been created.