You can use this task to view a log of activities that have occurred for a household. The activities cannot be edited or deleted in this task. The household activity log can be used to obtain information about specific actions. The log also shows the reversal of an action for a household, which is indicated in the Cancel column.
To view the Household Activity Log, follow these steps:
1. Go to Household Detail > General Tab.
2. Go to Tasks > View Household Activity Log.
You can also view this log by hitting CTRL + H on your keyboard.
3. On the Household Activity Log, you can scroll through the log to view additional activity rows.
4. To arrange the log by the information in a specific column, click the column heading.
5. To drill into a household, unit, or community, click the link for the household, unit, or community.
6. To sort, filter, or print the items, click the Sort, Filter, or Print link in the title bar.