Outside Vouchers used by the various communities are setup here.
Short Description - enter a short description of the voucher
This is used in the Charge Type Description for Open Items created from this voucher. For example, an Open Item created from the Local Housing Authority will be described as "Subsidy - Local".
Description - enter the full description of the voucher
Prorate Method - Select the proration method to be used on move in and move out
30 Days - all months are considered 30 days for calculating the daily rental rate and days of occupancy is calculated based on actual days in month.
For example, household moved in on February 16th, the calculation is $600 / 30 days = $20 x 13 = $260.
Days unit is occupied is calculated as 28 days less 15 = 13
Actual Days in month
Do Not Prorate
Unit Vacant first of month - Move-in will only prorate subsidy if the unit was vacant on the 1st of the month. Move-out will never prorate subsidy.
30 Day Basis/30 Day Month - all months are considered 30 days for calculating the daily rental rate and the days of occupancy is calculated based on 30 days, including February
For example, household moved in on February 16th, the calculation is $600 / 30 days = $20 x 15 = $300.
Days unit is occupied is calculated as 30 less 15 = 15, instead of 28 less 15 = 13
30 Day Basis/30 Day Month (No Per Diem Rounding) - this method will calculate an old per diem and a new per diem and blend the amounts without the interim rounding, which will provide the results you would expect with a manual calculation when amounts are not rounded to whole dollars.
This method is intended when the subsidy from the voucher is not rounded to whole dollars but calculated to the penny.
Any day other than the first 1/2 the change - when a voucher change occurs on any day but the 1st of the month, Property Manager will charge half the difference (New less Old/2)
Select the USDA Subsidy Code
No Deep Subsidy
RHS Rental Assistance
Existing HUD Cert
Other Public RA
Private RA
HUD Voucher
Other at Basic Rent
Select the GL Account Assignments
Liability Account - to be used when an Unapplied Payment is recorded for this voucher source
Receivable Account - the accounts receivable account used when the voucher is billed
Cash Account - the cash account used when cash is received against the voucher
Income Account - the GL Account offset to record the income when the voucher is billed
Writeoff Account - the GL Account used when a voucher open item is written off
Refund Account - the GL Account used to record the liability when a voucher credit open item is refunded
Excess GL Account - the GL Account used to record excess income when the voucher causes the amount billed for a tenant to exceed gross potential for the unit.
If the voucher is to be used in a Rent Regulated Funding Program (RCS) and is a SCRIE or DRIE type voucher, select this parameter.
When an SCRIE or DRIE outside voucher is added to a household, the “subsidy side” will create a GL Entry to record the Tax Abatement Credit (TAC) without creating a subsidy open item on the household.
Set the Sort Order for how you want the vouchers sorted in drop down lists and other data windows in Property Manager.
Select Housing Choice Voucher parameter. Households who are in the HUD 236 or BMIR Funding Programs that hold a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher will have their certifications marked as DNX as these certs should not be sent to TRACS. The PHA handles EIV requirements for these households.
Set the Voucher to Active.
Select the Subsidy Rounding to be Whole Dollars or 2 Decimals.
the Save
button to save your changes.