You can use this task to set an expiration date on a funding program that is no longer participating in a program group.
To remove a funding program from a program group, follow these steps:
1. Go to Community Detail > Program Groups.
2. Go to Tasks > Remove Funding Program from Group.
3. On the Select Group tab, select the funding program group from which you want to remove a funding program.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Select Program tab, select the funding program that you want to remove from the group.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Confirm Renewal tab, in the Date of Removal field, enter or select the date the program is to be removed. This date is the last day on which the units are counted in the program.
8. Select the Yes, Remove Funding Program from Group check box.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Process Certifications tab, you can review the units that were included in the selected funding programs.
The units in the selected funding program will be expelled from the funding program, and expel certifications are created for these units.
Subsequent certifications must be rebuilt to reflect the correct programs.
11. On the Process Certifications tab, select the Print Certifications check box to print certifications for the households. If you do not want to print certifications, clear the check box.
12. Click Finished.