Release Notes March 23, 2017 CMU

Corrected Issues





Household Detail > Transactions Tab

On the Spectrum TIC, PART IV. INCOME FROM ASSETS now includes line (L) Total Annual Household Income from all Sources, which displays the total of the household's income plus assets.


Household Detail > Transactions Tab

The following updates have been made to the California (CA) TIC:

            In Project Data, the TCAC# field now populates with the community number from the Community Nbr field on the Program Info tab.

            In PART VIII. PROGRAM TYPE, Part C. now displays the program correctly as "Tax Exempt Bond."

            The formatting has been updated to fix issues when the user prints a physical copy. Previously, the formatting would appear accurate when previewed, but not on the physical copy.



View a complete list of release notes for Property Manager 9.2.