Release Notes—December 18, 2014 CMU

Corrected Issues





Household Detail > Forms

The Nevada Self Cert TIC now correctly populates the bedroom size and the percentage of set aside value.


Household Detail > Forms

In the Assets area of the Florida TIC, rows without data are now filled with $0 instead of blanks.


Household Detail > Forms

The Arizona TIC now correctly displays the entire placed in service date.


Household Detail > Forms

The North Carolina TIC now selects the correct rent restriction layer if the layer is one other than 30%, 40%, 50%, or 60%.


Household Detail > Forms

“Committee” is now spelled correctly on the California CTCAC Supplemental Information Form.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

LIHTC files sent to the Web-Based Annual Reporting System (WBARS) now include records for the new unit after a unit transfer even if the household’s recertification is prior to the unit transfer.


Household Detail > Forms

Households with handicapped or disabled foster children no longer incorrectly receive the $400 elderly family deduction and the certification no longer fails in TRACS because of the deduction.


Household Detail > Forms

The California Alternate TIC now displays the precise AMI amounts for tax credit communities on Part V of the form. Previously, the AMI amounts were rounded.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

When processing a payment batch, open repayment agreement items are no longer duplicated.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

All note payables that were created in version 9.1 are now updated in the event history to be repayment agreements with version 9.2.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

If a payment is applied to a repayment agreement, and if that payment or apply credits event is reversed, then the repayment agreement payment is now correctly removed both from Household Detail > Accounting Tab > Subsidy Tab > Open Items and from Occupancy & Compliance Detail > TRACS Tab > Repayment Agreements Tab.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

HAPs now report the correct ending balance for households that have made payments toward their repayment agreements. Previously, the HAP reported the original total amount of the repayment agreement as though no payments had been made.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

The Agreement Effective Date field on Part 6 of the HAP now correctly populates. Previously, this field was populated with the effective date of each household's payment against the note instead of the agreement effective date.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

The MAT30 file, Section 4 record now correctly reports a termination with the TM code instead of the TR code when a HUD household is terminated.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS

New apply credit events made toward a repayment agreement open item are now correctly listed on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail Tab > TRACS Tab > Repayment Agreement Tab and when building a HAP.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

Move in information is no longer omitted on an LIHTC file for WBARS if a household has an enroll in program certification followed by an annual recertification. Previously, the missing information would cause the file to fail in WBARS.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

The building number is now correctly populating in WBARS files for transfer events when the unit transfer is followed by a signed annual recertification.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

The move-in date is now being included in the file for WBARS when the household has a utility allowance change or gross rent change within the last year and is submitting a full certification.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

The most restrictive set aside value at move in is now correctly being populated when uploading the most recent certification in WBARS.


Occupancy and Compliance Detail > LIHTC

The previous recertification date is now populating correctly on WBARS when the most recent certification is a move out certification.


View a complete list of release notes for Property Manager 9.2.