This task is used to change the tenant's earned income disallowance information for a Public Housing program.
The task will only appear in the Tasks list if a household is living in a unit that is counted in a Public Housing program, or has an active waitlist row for a community with a Public Housing program.
Household Detail
Members Tab
Modify EID Information
Highlight the member to which the EID information relates.
Click the Tasks button and select Modify EID Information
If the person has previously participated in an EID program the following message will be displayed:
This person has participated in the EID program. Changes to the EID information may affect this member's EID status, as well as the subsidy for the household.
If the person has not previously participated in an EID program the following message will be displayed:
This person appears not to have participated in the EID program. Changes to the EID information may affect this member's EID status, as well as the subsidy for the household.
To proceed with entering the EID information check the box YES, I wish to modify the EID information
If you do not want to proceed click the Back button to return to the Household Members Tab.
Click Next.
Enter the EID Start Date or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the EID Mature Date or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the Months of Eligibility Used prior to Move-In or Conversion
Enter the EID Baseline Income.
Select the EID Qualification Code from the drop-down list. The choices are:
Income increase after 12 mos. of unemployment
Income increase during ESS or JOB training
Income increase during or within 6 mos. of TANF
Click Finished.
A pop-up message will appear stating "You have successfully modified the EID information for this member." Click OK.