Modify Current Amenity Rent

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This task is used to change the Rent amounts for an amenity.

How do you get here?

Amenity Detail General Tab Tasks Modify Current Amenity Rent

To Modify the Current Amenity Rent:

  1. Select one of the following options:

Modify Entry - Select an existing entry in the Amenity Rents section to edit.

New Entry - Add a new entry after the most recent entry in the Amenity Rents section.

Copy Rent Plan - Copy the most recent entry to a new entry for a more recent date.

Delete Entry - Select an existing entry in the Amenity Rents section to delete.

  1. Click Next.

  2. If you selected New Entry or Copy Rent Plan enter the New Effective Date.


  1. If you selected New Entry enter the appropriate amounts in the Rent, Utility Allowance, and Gross Potential fields.

  2. If you selected Modify Entry or Copy Rent Plan the amounts will be pre-filled and you can make any necessary corrections.

  3. If you selected Delete Entry check the box to confirm deletion of the entry.

  1. Click Finished.