Household Detail
Accounting Tab
Summary, Receivables, Subsidy, Deposits, or Promissory Notes Tab
Export Event History
Select a date range - the selection will default to the household's entire event history date range.
Include Reversals will be selected by default. To exclude events that have been reversed uncheck the box.
Click Refresh to update the information on the screen based on your selections.
Click Finished when you are ready to export.
The Save As window will appear where you will name the file, select a file type, and select a location to save the file.
On the Summary tab of Household Accounting the export task will include event history from all accounting tabs in the household.
On the Receivables, Subsidy, Deposits, and Promissory Notes tabs the export task will include only event history for the tab where you select the Task. In other words, if you navigate to the Receivables tab for the household and select the Export Event History task only the event history for the Receivables tab will be exported.