You can use the Delete an Owner/Agent Repayment Agreement task to remove existing repayment agreements that have not been included on a HAP request. Additionally, the task will not be available if a payment has been made against the original repayment agreement, even if the repayment agreement has not been included on a HAP request.
To delete an owner or agent repayment agreement, follow these steps:
1. Go to Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS tab.
2. Go to the Repayment Agreements tab.
3. In the Repayment Agreements area, highlight the repayment agreement that you want to delete. To view only the repayment agreements that have not been included on a HAP request, select the Not yet included in a HAP option.
4. Click Tasks.
5. Under TRACS Tasks, click Delete an Owner/Agent Repayment Agreement.
6. On the Owner/Agent Repayment Agreement Information tab, review the information that appears in the Schedule Information area:
▪ Type—The type of repayment agreement
▪ Balance Schedule ID—The unique ID number of the schedule
▪ Contract—The contract of the repayment agreement
▪ Agreement ID—The unique ID number of the repayment agreement
▪ Frequency—The billing and payment frequency
▪ Payment Start Date—The date on which the payments began
▪ Payment Amount—The amount of each individual payment
▪ Total Due—The total amount of all of the scheduled payments
▪ Note—Any additional information about the repayment agreement
▪ Note Effective Date—The date of the note
7. In the Calculated Entries area, review the information:
▪ Number of Payments—The number of payments required for the repayment agreement
▪ Unbilled Balance—The amount that has not been billed
▪ Payments Remaining—The number of payments that have not been received
8. To confirm the deletion, select the Confirm Deletion of the above Owner Agent Repayment Agreement check box.
9. Click Next. The Results window appears.
10. On the Results window, to print the results, click Print.
11. To copy the results, click Copy. The text becomes available to be pasted into an outside document.
12. To proceed with the deletion, click Close.
13. On the Print tab, click Finished.