This task is used to delete a user code. This task will only be available for a user code if it is not assigned to any households, units, or communities. Before you can remove the user code from System Administration, the code must first be removed from either the Household, Unit, or Community User Code Tab.
To find out what households a user code is assigned to, you can run the Household User Codes report.
To delete a user code, follow these steps:
1. Go to System Administration > User Codes Tab.
2. In the User Codes View Option area, select the Community Codes, Unit Codes, or Household Codes radio button.
3. Select the user code that you want to delete.
4. Go to Tasks > Delete Selected User Code.
5. In the User Code Delete area, to confirm the deletion, click OK. A Results window appears indicating if the task passed or failed.
▪ If the task failed, you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
▪ If the task passed, click Close.