Add Funding Program to Group

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This task is used to add a funding program to a program group.

How do you get here?

Community Detail   Program Groups Tab Tasks Add Funding Program to Group

To add a new funding program to a program group, follow these steps:

  1. Select the program group that needs a new funding program, and then click Next.

  2. Select or enter an effective or enrollment date for the funding program, and then click Next.

  3. Select which funding programs to add to your program group and if participation in the funding program is optional, and then click Next.

  4. Complete the following funding program detail fields, and then click Next.

o       Eligibility Restriction: Select any eligibility restrictions, such as being elderly or disabled. If selecting elderly, enter the qualifying age in the Elderly Age field.

o       Income Limit Type: Select the income limit type used in this funding program.

o       Income Limit Region: Select the community's region.

o       Financial Rounding Method: Select the rounding method that the funding program uses.

o       Project Based Voucher Source: Select the source of the project based voucher.

o       Income Detail Calculation: Select VOE Regular, VOE YTD, Paystub Avg, and Paystub YTD to indicate how income is calculated.

  1. Select a contract type. All funding programs, including market or conventional funding programs, require at least one contract type. Click Next.

  2. Select the income layers for the contract and enter the Min, Max, and Goal amounts for that income layer, and then click Next.

  3. Select to either add another contract or that you are finished adding contracts. Adding another contract will return you to Step 5. Click Next.

  4. Select a contract and a layer for each unit participating in the funding program, and then click Next.

  5. Select to add another funding program to this program group, or that you are finished adding funding programs. Adding another funding program will return you to Step 3. Click Next.

  6. Select if you want to print the certifications to enroll the units in the funding group, and then click Next.

  7. View a summary of all your program groups, and then click Finished.