This task is used to add a new waitlist group.
The task is only available when you have selected a Community in context.
Conversion Detail
Households Tab
Add New Waitlist Group
Select every program funding group to which you want to add waitlist groups. Click Next.
Enter Group Details. When you are completed, click Next.
Enter a Description and a Short Description for the waitlist you want to add.
Use the drop down menu to select the Form Type.
Under Waitlist Sort Order, enter the sort order for the Transfer, Application Date, Income, Age Group, Waitlist Preference, and Household Size.
Enter Waitlist Preferences. for your newly created waitlist group. Click Finish when complete.
Enter a Description, Short Description, Waitlist Sort, and Sort Order.
Use the drop down menu to select a Funding Program.
Select the Active box if the preference is active.