Add New Note

To add a new note for a vendor, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Community > Vendors.

2.         In the Service section, click the plus sign to expand a vendor category, and then click the name of the vendor for which you want to add a new note. The Vendor Location Detail, Vendor Location Contacts, and Vendor Location Notes sections populate with information about the selected vendor.

3.         Click Tasks.

4.         In the Note Tasks section, click Add New Note. The Business Note tab appears.

5.         On the Business Note tab, complete the following fields:

        Entry Date—Enter the date and time when the note was recorded. This field defaults to the current date and time.

        Employee—Select the employee recording the note from the drop-down menu.

        Note—Enter the note.

6.         Click Finished. The new note appears in the Vendor Location Notes section for the vendor.

Related Topics

         Delete Selected Note

         Maintain Selected Note