This task is used to add a new household to an amenity.
The task is only available when you have selected a Community in context.
The household must have been created.
The community must have amenities.
Conversion Detail
Households Tab
Add new Household to Amenity
Enter the Effective Date of the new household and then click Next.
Select the Amenity that you want to add a new household to and then click Next.
Enter Search Criteria to ensure that the household does not already exist, and then click Search
Search criteria include First, Last, and Maiden Names, Phone Number, Social Security Number, City, and State.
Examine the Search Results to determine if the household is listed, and then click Next.
If the search results did not yield the correct household, select I did not find a match, use the information above to begin creating a new household with the search criteria you entered.
If the search results did yield the correct household, select I found a match, use the selected household to add this household to the amenity.
Select I found a match, create a new household for the person selected to use the selected person while creating a new household to add to the amenity.
If you are creating a new household, you will need to enter Household Summary information, and then click Next.
Enter Head of Household information like the Title, First, Middle, and Last Name, and a Suffix, if applicable.
Enter Household Phone Number(s), using the drop down menu to select the Phone Type and entering a nine digit number into the Phone Number field.
Enter the Household Mailing Address, if different from the unit address.
Modify Amenity Change and then click Next to close the task.
Select the Override Rent? box to have this amenity override rent.